Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Heart of Darkness Works Cited

"About Buddha." About Buddha. 2007. About Buddhism. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Alienists." The Medical Dictionary. 2008. The Free Dictionary. 26 Feb. 2008 .

Col, Jeananda. "John Franklin: English Explorer." John Franklin: English Explorer. 2000. Enchanted Learning. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"The English Channel." HowStuffWorks. 2008. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Fleet Street." Wikipedia. 07 Aug. 2008. Wikipedia. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Gravesend, Kent." Gravesend, Kent: Information from 26 Aug. 2008 .

Kemerling, Garth. "Plato." Plato. 9 Aug. 2006. The Philosophy Pages. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Morituri te salutant = Those about to die salute you." Ancient Classical History. 2008. The New York Times Company. 26 Aug. 2008 .

Seeler, Oliver. "Francis Drake The Voyage." Francis Drake The Voyage. 1996. Nova Albion Research. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Ships: Male vs. Female Pronouns." Encyclopedia Titanica Message Board. 03 Feb. 2005. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Sleepwalking." Wikipedia. 23 Aug. 2008. Wikipedia. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Whited sepulcher." Definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 2008. Merrian-Webster. 26 Aug. 2008 .

"Yawl." Wikipedia. 18 Aug. 2008. Wikipedia. 26 Aug. 2008 .

1 comment:

Xwing212 said...


You certainly have found key moments and points to reference -- there is no question there -- none at all.

It seems like you may have 'gotten into' HOD a bit more than Frank. Am I on to something there?

You do an excellent job of distilling meaning from a passage of text when it is reliant upon you to examine the language and make inferrences and such.

My concern is in the allusions and references -- very often, there doesn't seem to be an explanation of why the author's used these references -- the reference is identity, but not explained, not connected